AC Series Parallel Circuits

by Nathan Chao


0.99 usd

Step by step solution of common ac series parallet circuits given ohms reactance

This app can do series ac circuits, parallel ac ciruits if Rs and Xs are set to 0 and series parallel ac circuits. You put in the circuit resistors and reactances and the app will guide you step by step through combining impedances to solving for all the phasor currents and voltages in the circuit. Save time on homework and get better understanding of the circuit solution process.For circuits with L, C instead of X, use free series ac circuits app or flexible ac impedance calculator app or phasor calculator app by Nathan Chao to convert L, C to XL, Xc. To get Xs etc just take the difference X = XL – Xc. The phasor calculator app will make checking the answers yourself much easier.